June 4, 3PM
Reinventing Your MinistryKevin MatthewsYou know it is time. Needs have changed, or you are not reaching them the ways you did before, or your students just seem different. How do you step back and meet the new challenges? We will consider ways to rethink what you are doing as ministry not for the Church’s needs but for your campus as it exists today.
Chaplaining Non-Religious Student GroupsBen GarrenExplore what it might look like to be a chaplain to non-religious student groups on campus.
Finding the Order of Damaris: walking and being with traumatic historyRita PowellExperiential engagement with story, writing, text, body. Conversation about Landscape of Slavery at Harvard Tour and other pilgrimage possibilities…
Bi-vocational MinistryTed ChristopherAll campus ministry is bi-vocational – whether we would name it or not. We function in two systems, the School and the Church, and that can require grace-filled navigation. Join Ted for a discussion of some of the challenges and opportunities that can arise in bi-vocational campus ministry.
June 6, 11 AM
“My context is a little…unusual” They all are!Ethan LowreyFunding, buildings, university and parish shapes and sizes, cultural milieu, history and nonhistory of the program, and YOU! the minister! — there are a lot of things that set one college or young adult ministry apart from another. The joy of our work is that there is simply no standard shape of a program, and still it can leave us feeling like the grass is greener. Come and hear some encouragement and reframing about how to develop your community based on the assets and quirks of your context as well as your unique interests as the minister. And learn some of the story of one unusual campus and young adult ministry and the last three years of our restart– joys, successes, surprises, fumbles, missteps, and all.
Arc of Justice through Elections and AdvocacyAlan Yarborough and Rebecca BlachlyThe 2024 U.S. election is already underway, and through our non-partisan Vote Faithfully election engagement campaign, Episcopalians are embodying healthy, faith-informed civic engagement to improve voter participation. Yet this work is just one part of a longer arc of activity including an array of actions to help improve our country’s laws. This workshop will be an open conversation about how we as Episcopalians can help our communities vote and then carry that momentum into advocacy in the years to come. Many campuses have been sites of protest this year – we will also explore how can ministers to young adults and college campuses turn that passion from students into a longer term election and advocacy action.
You Should Plan and Take a Sabbatical! Steve Mullaney and Stacy AlanStacy Alan & Steve Mullaney both took sabbaticals this past year. We’ll start with what helped us prepare (Questions to ask; Conversations to have; Logistics to manage; & Mindsets to shift) and then share a bit about our sabbatical experience. We’ll close with a large group Q&A. This is a workshop for everyone–but especially for anyone who says “I couldn’t possibly take a sabbatical”.
Starting an Episcopal Service CorpsAllen DoyleIn this workshop, we’ll delve into the essentials of starting an Episcopal Service Corps (or similar Intentional Community) from scratch, covering topics as wide as navigating budget constraints and funding model, recruitment campaigns, securing housing, navigation interpersonal conflict, intern salaries and health insurance, marketing strategies, and developing a contextual formation curriculum. Drawing from our experiences and lessons learned, we aim to provide a practical roadmap for those considering similar ventures, offering both inspiration and tangible strategies.

As the founding director of On Sacred Ground – Wyoming Service Corps, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact of creating intentional residential programs for Young Adults. Even when the odds were stacked against us – doing Young Adult ministry in rural context, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, with no sustainable funding source, a 24 year old Program Director, all while many ESC programs across the country were closing. None of it made any sense. I would go so far as to say, it was a bad idea. And yet the ministry has been incredibly successful, transforming the lives of the young adult participants and the entire community! We will share this story, not to pat our own backs, but to hopefully inspire you and encourage you that you can do something just like this as well – even if you think you can’t.

A significant period of time will be open to answer any questions and brainstorming together as you consider founding a new intentional young adult ministry!