The Young Adult Festival will be Friday, June 21 – Wednesday, June 26, 2024. The 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be held Sunday, June 23 – Friday, June 28, 2024 in Louisville, KY. General Convention Calendar

The Young Adult Festival is designed for young adults 18-30(ish) years old to meet peers from across the globe, pray and learn together, engage in the church’s legislative process, and help discern God’s call for the Episcopal Church.

General Convention is a gathering of Episcopalians from around the world who come together to form a body of believers charged with discussing, discerning and, deciding the course of the church. General Convention is a legislative meeting, an informational gathering, a collaborative opportunity, and a spiritually uplifting and challenging experience. It is a chance to meet Episcopalians from across the globe and share faith, food and a few laughs.

We hope you will join the festivities via the Young Adult Festival! It is your ideas, passions, questions, sense of mission, discipleship, and leadership that will determine what kind of a body we, as a church, will be in the twenty-first century. In 2003, the first Young Adult Festival was held at General Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The presence of so many young adults had such an impact that young adult ministry was affirmed as a top mission priority for the coming triennium. Three years later our presence grew at General Convention in Ohio and was re-affirmed as a top mission priority. This year, we offer the opportunity to experience General Convention in a profound way along with a community of other young adults, to express ideas and thoughts and, just as importantly, to create a space for leaders within the church to hear your story, learn from one another, and come together as one body.

Registration has closed.

The Young Adult Festival will include a General Convention 101 session, worship, workshops, and networking opportunities for everyone – from first-time General Convention attendees to advocates and leaders who have attended for years. We look forward to welcoming young adults from across the Episcopal Church to Louisville.

Registration includes 5 nights housing at the Galt Hotel, official General Convention Registration, dinner on June 21, snacks, programming and fun opportunities. Cost is between $135 – $595, depending on the housing choices. Space is limited for housing. If you wish to stay for the remaining two days of convention, you may do so, but the cost of registration will go up depending on how many nights you will stay. Registration deadline for participations requiring housing is May 6! Commuter Registration deadline is May 15.

These prices are already heavily underwritten by the Young Adult and Campus Ministry Office. If you need assistance with the cost of registration, we encourage you to reach out to your bishop, diocesan delegation that is going to convention, diocesan groups who may offer scholarships such as the Episcopal Church Women, your congregation, and clergy in your area who may have discretionary funds. 

For more information, contact Kelly at .